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Prezidento žodis



Lietuvos pilių ir dvarų asociacija yra bendruomeninė organizacija, stipri tiek, kiek mes, jos nariai, prisidedame savo indėliu: darbu ar patarimais.


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Lithuanian Association of Castles and Manors

2017 07 18

The Manor – the good example of cultural promoter and farm practice. The first Manors in Lithuania were established already on the 2nd half of the 13th century AD. The Manor was like state’s administration, political and cultural centre. There were around 2000 of them for the centuries. We could be proud that nowadays the Manors are still one of the main cultural holders.

Since 2005 The Lithuanian Association of Castles and Manors was established. There are many different events being hold in the Association’s Castles and Manors, like: creative evenings, musical dinners and festivals, exhibitions, spectacles and etc. Also Manors still keep old traditions: saving culinary heritage and old farming traditions and other economic activities. All this movements remind society the importance of the Manors in cultural life.

We are glad that The Lithuanian Association of Castles and Manors is growing every year and new members are joining us with new ideas and energy how to protect the beautiful cultural heritage we own.

Castles and manors:

  • Take care of restoring farms and farming heritage in the mannors;
  • Foster national and cultural heritage;
  • Encourage the development of traditional crafts;
  • Strengthen rural communities;
  • Help to restore and preserve the ancient Lithuanian breeds of livestock and poultry gene pool.
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